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Organised Events

The scientific seminar series is for anyone who conducts or is interested in eating disorders research and the translation of research into practice.

eJournal club includes meetings of academics and health professionals to critically evaluate peer-reviewed research articles.

Join us for the Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre's annual Think Tank and be inspired by cutting edge science, challenge conventional thinking and learn novel methodologies in the field of eating disorders.

Call for Applications – Trial Endorsement

In March 2023 consortium partners and members of the Centre, people with lived experience, clinicians and our International Advisory came together for the first time to discuss eating disorders research, where we are at and what we know, what resources are available globally to build upon and what really matters to those who have lived this in their own lives. The Think Tank included a Symposium event, two days of collaborative ideation discussions to determine the signature trials of the National centre and a digital hub workshop day. The great breadth and expertise of consortium partners and other participants allowed for a shared space for thinking, talking, listening and understanding. Dynamic, collegial and generous contributions made for a productive and positive three days thinking about how we can all work together to change things for the better.

Research can transform people's lives.

The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the National Leadership in Mental Health program.

Lead Agency, InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders, is a joint venture between the Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney