Amaya Alvarez
Lived Experience Advisor, Mental Health Carers Australia
Amaya Alvarez currently works as Manager Family and Carer Research at Tandem Carers.
She brings to her work her lived experience across the generations - supporting a family member with an eating disorder, as well as experience supporting a sibling and a parent in alcohol and other drugs and mental health. In her work she is interested in how families are positioned as inside yet outside the mental health service system, as well as the relational and whole of family impacts of supporting and living alongside a person experiencing an eating disorder that doesn’t fit recovery narratives.
She also works at Mental Health Carers Australia supporting the CEO, gaining insight into National issues of concern for families and carers and the major strategic and policy frames and levers required for meaningful change.
Passionate about new and innovative ways to understand, amplify and find space for families and carers experience she is a founding member of FaCRAN the newly formed Family and Carer Research and Advocacy Network.