Rachael Duck
Peer Mentoring Program Manager at Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV)
Rachael is the Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) Manager at Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV), who is passionate about advancing the role of lived experience and peer work within the eating disorder sector.
Since joining EDV in 2018, Rachael has seen the peer workforce grow and believes that providing peer-led supervision and support is key to delivering high quality programs such as PMP to the community. She is currently co-designing an online professional development platform for peer workers employed at EDV.
She has a background in social work and sociology and is currently completing her PhD studies at La Trobe University, with an interest in peer-led programs and how they impact on mental health organisations.
Rachael is passionate about understanding how experiences of mental health, are shaped by social determinants, such as social inequalities.
Rachael has lived experience as a carer for a loved one who has recovered from an eating disorder.