Dr Simon Wilksch
Clinician and Researcher, Flinders University
Simon Wilksch is both a researcher and clinician in the area of eating disorders. He is a Senior Research Fellow leading research projects in the area of eating disorder risk factors, prevention, early intervention and improving treatment experience and outcomes for patients and their families. Together with Tracey Wade, he developed Media Smart, a school-based eating disorder risk reduction program that has been found to have a range of beneficial results in large-scale RCTs. Media Smart is now available for schools to use. An adapted online version for young-adults, Media Smart Online, has been found to have both prevention and treatment effects for eating disorder symptoms and to prevent the onset of related comobird problems (e.g., depressive symptoms, sucidality). He is also investigating the relationship between social media use and disordered eating in young adolescents. Finally, he is currently conducting an Australia-wide survey of parents who have had a child experience an eating disorder to systematically examine parents’ experience of seeking treatment for their child; how parents’ own wellbeing can be better supported; and, to examine novel eating disorder prevention options.